FIBER (Digestive Support)

FIBER (Digestive Support)

Regular price $30.00 Sale

The wrong choices in nutrition, alcohol, stress and the lack of exercise, produces a chronic toxicity in our body that day by day affects our body’s normal cycle and intestines, showing itself in the form of inflammation, obesity, fatigue, lack of energy, headaches, irritability and mood swings.

FIBER is formulated with Psyllium Husk, linseed and probiotics. It stimulates and maintains the intestinal passage to avoid constipation, contributes to reach normal sugar blood levels and cholesterol. Allows you to conserve a healthy colon, and a functional intestinal flora thanks to its 12 millions of probiotics.

Psyllium Husk, is the main ingredient in our formula, it is a very soluble fiber that can be utilize as a laxative and promotes the intestinal passage regulating its functioning. The linseed is a seed very high in fiber and fatty acids that are beneficial to our organism. The effectiveness in the linseed to help us lose weight, is based on its nutritional values. Probiotics are healthy living bacteria good to our body, this bacteria are agents that maintain a balance between the NOT friendly bacteria and pathogens that are living in our stomach.

FIBER will also help you lose weight fast. According to studies in North America, it has been proven that just by eliminating the “trash” accumulated in our intestines, you can lose 10 to 20 pounds depending on your body complexion.



  • Fights Constipation
  • Helps lower Cholesterol
  • Regulates sugar levels
  • Regulates blood pressure
  • Helps lose weight
  • Promotes healthy intestinal flora